Documentary Wins at Fulton Tech Fair
Friday, February 28, 2014
Centennial Teachers Add Value to Chick-Fil-A
Student Program Development
Centennial teachers Jessica
Barger and Lauren Ermlich attended a conference at Chick –Fil- A headquarters
last week. Centennial is one of only three schools in Fulton County, 73 schools
statewide, to pilot a student-led Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy. Ms. Barger and
Ms. Ermlich were invited to participate in a full-day session to provide
feedback and fresh ideas to the program managers. Next year, Chick- Fil- A
plans to launch the program into over 150 schools nationwide to allow more
student leaders the opportunity to have an impact in their community and in the
world. Our first group of Leader Academy
students will carry out its first Impact Project this spring.
CHS Chorus Earns Superior Rating
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Students Selected for Campaign Internships
The Karen Handel for United
States Senate campaign offered competitive internships and volunteer
opportunities to the best and brightest high school students of Centennial.
Five of our students have received the internships: Mia Murphy, Ben Bradley,
Cassie Townsend, Chad DeKold, and Colleen Evans (not pictured).
This internship is a great opportunity for students to hone interpersonal/communication skills as well as learn structure in an office environment, depending on which task (field or office) works best with the student's individual schedule. This internship is for students interested in government, politics, or marketing, or general college prep, and resume building.
Students will receive letters of recommendation from Ms. Handel and the opportunity for paid internships in the future.
This internship is a great opportunity for students to hone interpersonal/communication skills as well as learn structure in an office environment, depending on which task (field or office) works best with the student's individual schedule. This internship is for students interested in government, politics, or marketing, or general college prep, and resume building.
Students will receive letters of recommendation from Ms. Handel and the opportunity for paid internships in the future.
Collings Selected for All-State Chorus
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Scores Big in Math Competition
Justin Htay
Centennial competed in the Georgia Tech High School
Mathematics Competition Saturday, February 15th! Our team was
made up of 8 students from the Math Special Projects Seminar and other math
enthusiasts! Over 300 students from across Georgia competed! After
a difficult multiple choice round, made up by Georgia Tech math grad students,
only 70 students advanced, including our very own Justin Htay. Justin
then competed in a ciphering round and a proof-based round! He received
one of the highest proof-based scores in the competition, launching him into 9th
place overall for individual scores!
Law & Justice
Student Earns First Place
SkillsUSA Regionals
& Justice Department freshman student Rachel Howell competed against hundreds
of students in SkillsUSA Regionals in Extemporaneous Speaking. Rachel
demonstrated an effective and pleasing delivery style, effective use of verbal
illustrations, examples, and demonstrated poise and self-control while
presenting. She was awarded 1st place and will go on to compete
against the other winners in the State of Georgia!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Centennial Students Receive
Accolades at Regional Science Fair
Justin Htay and Mika Tokutake
(top left photo): First Place in Biochemistry and Headed to State
Andrew Wittschen (bottom photo):
Second Place in Chemistry and Headed to State
John Verch and Jessica Bonin
(top right photo) placed third in the Physics and Astronomy category.
Hunter Doster and Dalton
Moore represented Centennial in the Chemistry category and Jessica Diaz and
Elika Uphadhyay represented Centennial in Plant Sciences.
Centennial Makes International Headlines
CHS students and teachers who visited
Gemany last week made international headlines when reporter Ronja Hois
interviewed them for a local newspaper in Essen. They were featured in print and online. Enjoy the great article! J
Borbeck hat Besuch aus den USA
18.02.2014 | 06:00 Uhr
18.02.2014 | 06:00 Uhr
Die Austauschschüler aus Atlanta waren zu Gast am Gymnasium Borbeck.
Gymnasium begrüßt Austauschschüler aus Atlanta in Georgia. Die mögen keine Doppelstunden, genießen ab
„Welcome in Germany“. Das heißt übersetzt:
„Willkommen in Deutschland.“ So steht es auf dem Schild am Eingang des
Gymnasiums Borbeck. Im letzten Oktober waren 16 Schüler der Oberstufe des
Borbecker Gymnasiums Gast an der Centennial High School nahe Atlanta im
US-Bundesstaat Georgia. Zehn Tage lang wohnten sie in amerikanischen
Gastfamilien, besuchten den Unterricht und lernten die Millionenstadt Atlanta
kennen.vtbox();Jetzt stand der Gegenbesuch an: die Schüler der US-High-School
besuchten für neun Tage Borbeck. Die Amerikaner Schüler wurden nach ihren
Deutschnoten ausgesucht. Nur die Besten, die es sich leisten konnten, den
Unterricht in AFtlanta zu verpassen, durften nach Deutschland reisen. Jane Voss
(17) und Michael Morgan (16) sind zwei der US-Gäste. Sie schwärmen: „Es ist
wunderschön hier in Essen, die Leute sind so nett und das Essen ist lecker.
“Auf dem Programm standen neben dem Unterricht eine Führung im Kölner Dom mit
anschließendem Besuch im Schokoladenmuseum sowie Indoor-Skifahren in Neuss. „Alles
toll“ sagt Jane Voss. „In Atlanta liegt kein Schnee.“ Auch die Besichtigung des
Parkleuchtens im Gruga-Park faszinierte die US-Schüler. Auch unabhängig von der
Gruppe haben die Austauschschüler viel unternommen. Jane Voss erzählt vom
Shopping, Michael Morgan erinnert sich an die Rundfahrt im Doppeldecker-Bus.
„Die Straßen hier sind verrückt. Es ist verwirrend, nicht so ein System zu
haben, wie bei uns.“In Atlanta können die Schüler schon mit dem Auto zur Schule
fahrenAuf der Schule in Atlanta besuchen über 2000 Schüler den Unterricht. „Am
meisten vermissen wir unsere Freunde. Aber wir haben hier in Borbeck so viele
neue Freundschaften geschlossen. Wir bleiben auf jeden Fall in Kontakt und
werden uns auch noch öfter besuchen“, sind sich die Gastschüler sicher. So toll
sie es in Essen finden, das Schulsystem in den USA mag Jane Voss lieber. „In
Amerika haben wir die ganze Woche denselben Ablauf und keine Doppelstunden. In
Borbeck ist bis 17.45 Uhr Unterricht und jeden Tag gibt es andere Fächer.“ Auch
der Schulweg ist eine Umstellung. In Atlanta können die Schüler schon mit dem
Auto zur Schule fahren, während sie in Essen mit dem Bus fahren müssen. Michael
Morgan dagegen ist durchaus begeistert vom deutschen Modell:„Hier gibt es so
viele Pausen. In Atlanta haben wir gerade Zeit, den Raum zu wechseln.“Wie die
Borbecker Schüler in Atlanta, wohnen auch die US-Amerikaner bei Gasteltern.
Auch dort haben sich Freundschaften entwickelt: Jane Voss und Michael Morgan
sind sich einig: „Wir werden Deutschland und unsere Gastfamilien vermissen,
denn wir werden vorerst nicht mehr zu Besuch kommen können.“
Ronja Hois
Ronja Hois
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Star Student:
Dorothy Cannella
Star Teacher:
Brad Davis
Dorothy Cannella has been named Centennial’s 2014 STAR
Student. Dorothy selected Brad Davis, her AP Physics teacher, as her STAR teacher.
PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program, in its 56th
year, has honored more than 24,000 students and the teachers they have selected
as having had the most influence on their academic achievement. To obtain the STAR nomination, high school
seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the three-part SAT
and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade
point average.
Model UN Wins Awards
Individual Awards:
Trisha Dalapati, Colleen Evans (Outstanding)
Adrian Hoefer, Ashwin Rathie (Distinguished)
Emma Smith, Indeara Cogdell (Distinguished)
Jacob McConaghie, Morgan Wilsmann (Honorable Mention)
Sohil Shyamsundar, Nate Bramel (Honorable Mention)
Monica Bhatia (Honorable Mention)
Justin Htay (Best Position Paper)
Erin McCall
Sohil Shyamsundar
Nate Bramel
Trisha Dalapati
Colleen Evans
Chris Robb
Colton Mack
Morgan Wilsmann
Hannah Kitzmiller
Bea Dias
Emma Smith
Indeara Cogdell
Meghan Rathie
Caroline McCall
Monica Bhatia
This past weekend, 35 students from Centennial competed
against over 400 students from all over the southeast. Each student represented
Centennial very well and every student did a fantastic job. Congratulations to
the following students for either winning a group delegation award or various
individual accolades:
Adrian Hoefer, Ashwin Rathie (Distinguished)
Emma Smith, Indeara Cogdell (Distinguished)
Jacob McConaghie, Morgan Wilsmann (Honorable Mention)
Sohil Shyamsundar, Nate Bramel (Honorable Mention)
Monica Bhatia (Honorable Mention)
Justin Htay (Best Position Paper)
Israel (Outstanding Small Delegation):
Brandon BierbaumErin McCall
Sohil Shyamsundar
Nate Bramel
Trisha Dalapati
Colleen Evans
Chris Robb
Colton Mack
Iran (Honorable Mention for Large Delegation):
Jacob McConaghieMorgan Wilsmann
Hannah Kitzmiller
Bea Dias
Emma Smith
Indeara Cogdell
Meghan Rathie
Caroline McCall
Monica Bhatia
Monday, February 10, 2014
JROTC Impacts Our Community
As part of their Service
Learning/Community Service projects, two different groups of Army JROTC
students worked to positively impact our community. Fourteen students spent 4 hours on Wednesday, February 7th
donating their time at the North Fulton Community Charities in Roswell.
They separated, sorted, and hung clothing items; moved, loaded, and
unloaded large furniture pieces; sorted and displayed shoes and miscellaneous
items. Additionally they organized, coordinated and planned all the logistical
aspects of this project to include transportation.
Twenty one students spent 5 hours to help feed the homeless on Sunday,
February 9th in downtown Atlanta. They planned, organized and helped
coordinate the event through the I Care Atlanta Program. The JROTC team
unloaded two vans of food, set up tables, and served food, pastries and fresh
vegetables to over 300 people in a vacant parking lot in the heart of Atlanta.
Whitaker Headed to West
week, hometown Congressman Rep. Tom Price, MD (R-GA) personally notified
Centennial senior Will Whitaker that he had earned an appointment to the U.S.
Military Academy at West Point, New York. Both Rep. Price and Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) nominated Will. Tens of thousands of students compete each
year to be one of the approximately 1,100 freshman admitted to the Academy.
Required for appointment are a rigorous application process, congressional nomination,
both medical and physical exams, top-percentile SAT and ACT scores, top-tier in
class rank, proven leadership roles in athletics and extracurricular
activities, academic honors for extraordinary performance, exhaustive writing
assignments, and an interview by a congressionally-appointed team – all of this
required before the candidate is even considered by the Academy for an
appointment. Centennial celebrates Will’s tremendous accomplishments!
CHS Students Arrive in Germany
Fourteen Centennial students,
along with their German teacher Ashley McCarty and teacher chaperone Stephany
Tighe, safely arrived in Germany on Friday.
Pictured are our students along with their German friends who visited
CHS earlier this year. Ms. McCarty and
Ms. Tighe are front left in the photo.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Cross Country Raises $13,000
with Memorial 5K
On February 1st,
the Centennial Cross Country team hosted their 6th annual Sam
Robb Memorial 5K & Fun Run at
Newtown Park. This race was started by Andy George, a 2010 Centennial
Graduate to honor the memory of Sam Robb, a 2005 Centennial HS Graduate. Andy is the son of Sam’s doctor, Dr. Bradley
George, Oncologist at Children’s Health Care of Atlanta Scottish Rite. When Sam
relapsed in 2007, Andy (a member of the Centennial Cross Country Team) wanted
to do something in Sam’s memory to benefit CURE Childhood Cancer. Andy’s younger
brother Ian, currently a Centennial junior, served as this year’s race
organizer as the run brought in over $13,000. To date, the Sam Robb
Memorial 5K & Fun Run has raised
almost $70,000 for CURE Childhood Cancer.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Centennial Athletes Sign
Letters of Intent
Pictured: Jake Sadd, Cole Woodward, Bryan Barnett, Diego
Hunter Phillips, Ryan Tillman and Chad Foster.
Centennial High School is proud to have seven students sign letters of intent to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level. These student-athletes have worked hard and have been rewarded for all of their hard work as well as their success during their time at Centennial. Signing February 5 were three baseball players, 1 tennis player, 1 soccer player, and 2 players from the 2013 State Champion lacrosse team.
From the baseball program, Chad Foster signed with West Georgia University, Ryan Tillman signed with Sewanee University of the South, and Hunter Phillips signed to play at Alabama State University; tennis player Bryan Barnett signed to play at Piedmont College; Diego Torres signed to play soccer at Southern Polytechnic University; and finally, lacrosse players Jake Sadd and Cole Woodward both signed to play at Guilford College.
Congratulations to all players and good luck to them in their collegiate careers.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Ninth Graders Meet Freedom Rider
Ms. Barger’s ninth grade TAG
language arts students visited the Atlanta-Fulton County Library this week for
a Freedom Riders event. Accompanied by
Ms. Barger and Ms. Yelvington, the group watched the movie Freedom Riders then heard Dr. Bernard Lafayette, an actual Freedom
Rider, speak about his experiences during the Civil Rights Movement.
Centennial ROTC Presents Colors for Hawks
The Centennial High School
Army JROTC presented the National Colors at the Atlanta Hawks basketball game
on January 8th. The Color Guard members from left to right are Cadet
Captain David Baghdasarian, Cadet Second Lieutenant Jeffrey Proffitt, Cadet
Captain Jeremy McClure and Cadet Captain Chris Baez. Thirty five members of the
JROTC program also attended the game and cheered as the Hawks defeated the
Indiana Pacers 97 to 87.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Barnes Wins Scholarship
Julia Barnes recently
won an academic and housing scholarship for Georgia Southern. As
stated on the Georgia Southern website, students in the University Honors
Program can apply “for the full-tuition 1906 Scholarship, the most
prestigious academic scholarship at Georgia Southern University.” Julia
won the competitive scholarship for tuition and won a separate scholarship for
housing, as well. Congratulations, Julia!
Law & Justice Students Visit Correction Facility
Last week Centennial’s Law
& Justice Program participated in a field trip to Georgia’s Diagnostic
State Prison. (GDCP) is a Georgia Department of Corrections
prison for men in unincorporated Butts County, Georgia, near Jackson.
The prison, the largest in the state, consists of eight cellblocks
containing both double-bunked and single-bunked cells. There are also eight
dormitories and a medical unit. The prison conducts diagnostic processing for
the state correctional system, houses (2500) male offenders, houses inmates
under death sentence (UDS), and carries out state ordered executions by lethal
injection. The prison complex also contains a special management
unit that houses some of the most aggressive and dangerous prisoners in the
correctional system.
With armed officers by our side, we were able to visit two cell blocks, the
execution chamber, have a question and answer session with two currently
incarcerated inmates (one for theft-by-receiving and the other for trafficking
methamphetamine), and a panel discussion with the Deputy Wardens and the
Warden. The students received compliments regarding their ability to answer Law
and Justice related questions and for representing Centennial in a positive
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